
Safari preschool activities and crafts

Safari animals preschool and kindergarten activities and crafts

We are going on a African safari with a theme packed full of preschool and kindergarten safari and jungle learning adventures. Pack your binocaulars and let's go to find elephants, monkeys, lions, zebras, snakes, and the tallest land animals - giraffes.  Through our safari-themed preschool and kindergarten activities and lesson ideas, crafts, and games, your children will move like the wild animals, dance with the animal in the African savanna, create animal artworks, go on a lion hunt, and learn about camouflage. So join us now and get ready to begin your safari adventure.


The rainforest preschool activities and crafts

Rainforest activities and crafts for preschool and kindergarten

Rainforest Preschool and Kindergarten Activites, Games, Science, and Crafts! Take children on a walk through the wilds of a tropical rainforest, home to over half of the world's species of animals and plants. This natural world of bright colors, interesting sounds, strong smells, and tasty treats opens up all sorts of possibilities for learning.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Letters of the Alphabet Preschool Activities

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom letter activities and games for preschool

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Letters of the Alphabet Preschool Activities and Games. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault sets the tone for this month's theme with its rhythmic, rhyming, rollicking alphabet adventure in a coconut tree. The activities provided draw from the book's rich content to inspire children's natural development of letter concepts, math skills, scientific curiosity, and vocabulary through songs, movement, cooking, games, and more. This is one theme that's just too much fun to miss out on!  

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