Shapes preschool and kindergarten activities, lesson plans, crafts, and printables. Look around. You will find shapes everywhere: circles: the sun, wheels on a car, and cookies on a plate; rectangles: windows and doors on buildings, tree trunks, and stripes on a bee; and triangles: pine trees, wings on a butterfly, and the roof of a house. Your children will have fun learning about geometric shapes with the fun and educational activities, games, crafts, lessons, and resources that we have created and collected.
Hearts are a very versatile shape, so versatile in fact that they can be used to construct all different kinds of animal pictures. This is what Michael Hall has done in his wonderful book My Heart Is Like a Zoo. Children will love searching for and counting the hearts used to illustrate each animal in the book. They’ll also love making their own animals out of hearts.
Grade: Preschool and Kindergarten
Target Learning Skills:
- One-to-one correspondence and sets
- Shape: circle
Common Core Standard:
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