
Ducks Crafts, Activities, Lessons, Games, and Printables

Ducks activities and crafts for preschool and kindergarten

One Duck Stuck, 10 Little Rubber Ducks. Children will love the rhyming, rollicking fun of the story One Duck Stuck about a hapless duck stuck in the mud who calls out to other animals that share his marshland home; "Help! Help! Who can help?" he asks. Our related resources incorporates math and rhyming, a lesson and ideas about cooperation, animal vocabulary, muck science, and the short u sound are the focus of additional activities, crafts, rhymes, and games. 

Frogs Crafts, Activities, Games, and Printables

Frogs and Pond Activities, Crafts, and Printables for preschool

Pond and Frog Crafts, Activities, Games, and Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten. A pond is a small body of still water and many animals call the pond home. Frogs, snakes, dragonflies, insects, turtles, and ducks live in and around the pond. Children will learn about the frog and its life cycle and experience the pond life with our ribbit-ing ideas. Make the pond and its habitants come to life with these age-appropriate preschool and kindergarten activities, lesson, crafts, science experiments, games, and story booklets.

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