Calendar Preschool and Kindergarten Activities and Printables. Every year the earth rotates one time around the sun. Help children learn about the organization of this time into days, weeks, and months with this theme on the calendar. Fun preschool activities and ideas to incorporate into morning circle time, songs, movement, literacy activities, and games are all included. Children can graph birthday months, make word wheels, learn about ordinal numbers, sequence the days of the week, and more. Start the theme off by letting children make their own calendar craft and page for the month ahead or begin a countdown to a special day in the future.
Explain that each year, the earth rotates around the sun one time. It takes 12 months. As each month passes, the earth moves a little bit more around the sun. After 12 months, it has come full circle, and a new year begins. Altogether, it takes 365 days for a complete rotation. For a concrete illustration, have children sit in a circle. Place a model of the sun in the middle. Choose one child to walk around it while holding a model of the earth.
Learn more about "The Reasons for the Seasons."
Store days of the week, months of the year, the numbers 1-31, and the years 2010 and 2011 cards in separate manila envelopes. Use thumbtacks or sticky backing to attach the envelopes to corkboard in the calendar or circle area of the classroom.
Incorporate these calendar-themed felt chants into regularly scheduled calendar time activities. Recite the chants and display the correct corresponding days, months, and dates on the felt board when mentioned.
Today is . . .
Original Author Unknown
(Tune: Are You Sleeping?)
Today is __________.
Today is __________.
All day long, all day long.
Yesterday was __________.
Tomorrow will be __________.
Oh what fun!
Oh what fun!
Handprint Calendars
Handprint, footprint, and thumbprint calendars make great gifts and are a keepsake for many years to come. Here are some great resources and ideas to get you started with your calendar crafts.
January - Handprint penguin or snowmen
February - Fingerprint or handprint heart
March - Leprechaun
April - Handprint ducks, thumbprint chicks
May - Handprint tulip
June - Handprint butterfly, thumbprint bees
July - Handprint giraffe, sun
August - Handprint fish
September - Handprint apple tree
October - Hand or footprint ghost, spider
November - Handprint turkey
December - Handprint Santa
Visit these great website and blogs for pictures and more ideas:
Months of the Year
(Tune: Ten Little Indians)
January, February, March, and April,
May, June, July, August, and September,
October, November, and December,
These are the months of the year.