Doctor Preschool Activities, Lessons, and Games

doctor and hospital crafts, activities, games for preschool and kindergarten

Doctor and hospital preschool activities, games, and crafts.  This theme is all about doctors, nurses, and hospitals! As children build literacy, develop vocabulary, practice math concepts, and participate in dramatic play and movement activities, they also gain confidence in relation to their own medical experiences. Through songs, literature, music, sorting, organizing, rhyming, and more, children come to understand how and why doctors and nurses are important members of communities, helping people to stay healthy and to heal when they are sick.

Samples of our more than 90 doctor and hospital preschool and kindergarten crafts, activities, and games available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library.

Themes and Projects

My Body’s Engine
The Lungs


Nurse hat
Stethoscope Craft
Doctor's Bag

Activities and Lessons

My Body’s Engine
What Tools Does a Doctor Use? Felt Song
Doctor Rhymes, Fingerplays, and Songs


Body Parts Game
Body Parts - Pair
Doctor Tools Number Recognition and Counting

Science and Exploration

The Muscles
The Heart
The Lungs


Sorting Things that Begin like Doctor, Nurse, and Hospital
Body Parts Game
What's in a Hospital? Labeling Game


Cotton Balls Counting and Fine Motor Activity
Blood Laboratory Fine Motor Skill
What Does the Doctor Check? Song

Booklets and Other

Who Goes to Doctor? Emergent Reader
Doctor Word Wall
Body Shape Book


My Body Rhyme
Letter N, Nurse Nina Coloring Page
Letter N, Nurse Coloring Page
Free Doctor and Hospital Activities, Rhymes, Printables, and Doctor Books

Doctor and Hospital Learning Areas Ideas:

Dramatic Play Area: Hospital or Doctor's Office

Set up an area of the room as a doctor's office. Include a scale, measuring tape, eye chart, stethoscope, reflex hammer, cotton balls, gauze, elastic bandages, tiny flashlights, doctor's coats (white shirts), kid's magazines, chairs, etc. Include some stuffed animals or dolls as patients, and let children pretend to be the doctors and nurses taking care of them. 

Art Easel

Let children paint or color a teddy bear outline. Provide band-aids and let children place the band-aids on their drawing. Ask children to tell you how the teddy bear got hurt.

Block Center

Let children build a hospital. Add emergency vehicles to the play area.

Doctor and Hospital Activities and Games for Preschool and Kindergarten

At the Doctor

What Does the Doctor Check? 
Adaptation by KidsSoup, Inc 
(Tune: Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes)

Use a call and response format along with the "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes" melody and movements

Call (teacher): What does the doctor check?

Response (children): The doctor checks my

Head and shoulders, 
knees and toes, 
knees and toes, 
My head and shoulders, 
knees and toes, knees and toes, 
That's how the doctor's visit goes, how it goes.

Repeat with:

Call (teacher): What does the doctor check?

Response (children): The doctor checks my

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose,  

My eyes and ears and mouth and nose, mouth and nose,

That's how the doctor's visit goes, how it goes.

Call (teacher): What does the doctor check?

Response (children): The doctor checks my

Heart and back and how my body grows 

Eye Chart
If possible obtain an eye chart. Let children read the chart from a distance. 

Measure and record each child's height and weight. Graph the results.

Our Hearts
Let children listen to their heartbeat with a stethoscope.

Explain to children that exercise keeps our heart healthy and strong. Choose one child to be the doctor. The doctor prescribes physical activities to the group: "Doctor (Name of child) says, "jump up and down", "touch the floor", etc.

X-Ray Art
Use some Q-tips to create a skeleton x-ray art.

Doctor's Bag (Craft description inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)

Doctor's bag craft and activity for preschool and kindergarten
Preschool Activities: 

Make a doctor's bag out of a manilla folder. Print the doctor's tools. Cut them out and glue them inside the doctor's bag. Staple a plastic bag to the inside (make sure you only staple one side of the bag to the folder) and fill with Band-Aids.

Doctor's tools printables, craft and activity for preschool
Preschool Activities: 

Compare and Contrast Story Character Doctor and Hospital Experiences

Read several of the recommended children's books about well-known characters that experience doctor's visits and hospital stays. Choose two of the characters, for example Curious George Goes to the Hospital and Franklin Goes to the Hospital, and ask children to compare and contrast their medical experiences. They should note the things that are the same about the characters' experiences and the things that are different. Write children's responses on chart paper and post it for visitors to read.

Miss Twiggles Story Book and Printables for preschool
Preschool Activities: 

Miss Twiggle had a Baby
Adapted by Jolanda Garcia, Kidssoup

Miss Twiggle had a baby.

She named him Tiny Tim.

She put him in the bathtub,

To see if he could swim.

He drank up all the water.

He ate up all the soap.

He tried to eat the bathtub,

But it wouldn't go down his throat.

Miss Twiggle called the doctor.
The doctor called the nurse.
The nurse called the lady with the alligator purse.

In walked the doctor.
In walked the nurse.
In walked the lady with the alligator purse.

"Measles!" said the doctor.
"Mumps!" said the nurse.
"Nothing!" said the lady with the alligator purse.

Out went the doctor.
Out went the nurse.
Out went the lady with the alligator purse.

Nurse Craft and Rhyme  (Craft description inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)

Make a nurse hat for children to wear.

Nurse hat craft, rhyme, and activity for preschool and kindergarten
Preschool Activities: 

I'm a Nurse Dressed in White
(Tune: Little White Duck)

I'm a nurse dressed in white,
And I feel just swell.
When you are sick,
I help to make you well.
I give you shots,
And if you're afraid,
I fix you up with a big Band-Aid.
I'm a nurse dressed in white,
And I feel just swell.
Now you're well!

Doctor Coloring Pages and Worksheets

Miss Twiggle coloring page doctor coloring page Doctor's tools activity and coloring page    

I'm a Helpful Doctor 
(Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)

I'm a helpful doctor,

Dressed in white,
I help people feel better,

Day and night.
When you get hurt or sick,
Come see me.
I'll get you all fixed up,

Just as quick as can be.

Doctor and Hospital Books
ABC Doctor

The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor 

I Want To Be A Doctor

Curious George Goes to the Hospital

Franklin Goes To The Hospital Corduroy Goes to the Doctor (lg format) Harry Goes to the Hospital
Little Critter:
My Trip to the Hospital
My Friend the Doctor Doctor Maisy A Day in the Life of a Doctor (Community Helpers at Work) Daniel Visits the Doctor (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood)



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