Transportation, Train, Planes, Ships, and Travel Preschool and Kindergarten Activities, Crafts, Games, Lessons, and Printables.
Preschool and Kindergarten Transportation Activities, Lessons, Games, and Crafts. Vroom, vroom! Zoom, zoom! Grease your wheels, start your engines, and get ready to roll. Have fun exploring the following modes of land transportation: cars, buses, and delivery trucks. We can travel to school, to the park, to the grocery store, to Grandma's house, and just about anywhere else on land in cars and buses. And where would we be without delivery trucks?
Construction preschool activities,crafts, and printables. Get to work building knowledge with this construction zone theme. Find songs, rhymes, literacy ideas, math activities, movement activities, recipes, and literature focusing on the workers, the machines, and the tools that build the structures we use and visit every day. Children develop vocabulary, add, subtract, sequence, read, match shapes, count, and so much more as they learn about the world of construction. So, put on a hard hat and a tool belt and put this theme to work.
Oh! All the Places I Want to Go! Zoom into this theme to discover travel. Your preschool and kindergarten children are given many opportunities to learn about adventuring to new places via the high seas, railroad tracks, on wheels, and the friendly skies.
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