Letters of the Alphabet Activities

Get Ready for Kindergarten - Jumpstart Literacy Skills

Help your child prepare for the transition from preschool to kindergarten with some fun and entertaining learning activities that will jumpstart his or her literacy skills needed for kindergarten. Our fun, innovative ABC Twiggles resources and free Story Twiggle books will provide your children opportunities to gain self confidence and to develop the literacy skills they need to be successful i

I for Iguana and Itch Activities

I is for iguana and itch. Show children a picture of an iguana and let them discribe the animals. Show children the cover of the book and read the title to children. Count the iguanas together. Encourage children to share with you what they think the story is all about. Read the book about the nine little iguanas that are sitting in the hot sun on a small island.

Octopus Preschool Activities and Crafts

Children will have fun learning about octopuses. They will learn scientific vocabulary such as the word "camouflage" as they delve deep under the ocean with our This Octopus Swims in the Ocean Felt Story and read the emergent reader booklet about five little octopuses that change colors and then disappear, and listen to our "Otto the Octopus - T

Little Owl in the Tree - Online Book Activities

Whoo, whoo - it's you! Children will have a hooting good time and become wiser about owls, nocturnal animals, and learn the shape of the letter O. 

Lucky the Leprechaun Activities and Rhyme

Preschool and Kindergarten children will leap, laugh, and love learning the letter l with the help of Lucky the Leprechaun. 

P is for Penguin Craft

Here is another cute letter P penguin craft. Children make penguins from the letter P. Post them together on a bulletin board for a P is for Penguin colony.

P is for Penguin Craft

What you need:

A Is for Alien Craft and Writing

Children make aliens out of the letter A. How many eyes will each alien have? Let children decide. 

A is for Aliens Craft and Writing

What you need:

F Is for Flower - Flower Fine Motor Skills Activity

Children build fine motor skills by sticking flowers into play dough shaped into the letter F.

What you need:

Silk flowers
Craft foam in different colors 
Golf tees 
Green play dough or Styrofoam block 
Small basket
Black Sharpie

What you do:

D is for Duck Craft and Fingerplay

Preschool children will have fun turning the letter D into a Duck with the addition of a few simple shapes and fluffy feathers!

D is for Duck Craft

What you need:

Free D is for Duck Craft printable


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