Teaching Virtues - Free Story to Teach Determination to Young Children


The importance of instilling the concept of virtue in young children.

Teaching the concept of virtue helps children to develop emotional intelligence and social skills. Children learn by example, and children's books are a great source of examples of these important character traits. 

The Adventures of Mali & Keela: A Virtues Book for Children

The Adventures of Mali & Keela introduces children to the concept of virtue, including kindness, determination, perseverance, compassion, integrity, courage, respect, patience, honesty, and more. It contains thirteen lively and entertaining adventure tales designed to be read aloud to young listeners (3 to 7 years old). Each of the thirteen stories visits four virtues. A guide at the end of each story provides age-appropriate definitions of the virtues featured in the story as well as discussion questions. The stories illustrate what positive character traits are and help build vocabulary that enables children to express and understand their own feelings and the feelings of others. 


Adventures of Mali and Keela Teaching Virtues Children Book
Preschool Activities: 


The Adventures of Mali and Keela


 Join Mali, Keela, and Bongo on their adventures as they explore the virtues of caring, trust, determination, peacefulness, and many other virtues along the way.

Free Sample Story

Three Mountain Island

Determination - Consideration - Peacefulness - Tact


Note: The featured free story visits four virtues: Determination - Consideration - Peacefulness - Tact. For younger children choose one to two virtues at a time to discuss after the story. Revisit and discuss the other virtues when you re-tell the story together. 

Virtue: Determination

Determination is the quality of continuing to work at something. Perseverance is the act or power of continuing one’s determination, despite difficulties. If your children lack determination and perseverance, they may have difficulty developing confidence in their ability to confront challenges. 

How can we teach determination and perseverance to young children? A great way to discuss determination and perseverance with your small child is to read books together in which the characters encounter various problems and obstacles they need to overcome.

Read Mali and Keela's Three Mountain Island Adventure now.

After Reading:

Discuss how important it was to Mali and Keela to be encouraging and kind and help each other to achieve their goal.

Consideration Lesson explain for children Mali and Keela
Preschool Activities: 

Extension Activity

Encourage your child to go outside his/her comfort zone

Help Mali and Keela climb the three mountains. Try following and staying on the path while holding your pencil in your weaker hand.

Let your child make mistakes and allow them to fail, but encourage them not to quit at the first sign of discomfort. 

Praise their effort and make comments such as, "I like that you try very hard," "I like how you don't give up," or "I like how you tried your best." 


Free Story Coloring Page and Worksheet


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Visit The Adventures of Mali & Keela for more info.


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