The importance of instilling the concept of...
This month’s theme centers around the forest and the book The Gruffalo, a delightful story written in rhyme about a mouse and an imaginary monster. With our preschool activities, lessons, crafts, games, and printables, your classroom will be transformed into a fantastical forest learning and play area. So, with your children, take a stroll through the woods to learn about forest animals and plants and to meet the mysterious Gruffalo.
In this group of activities, children will explore what a forest is through their five senses (taste: make a "squirrel" snack, touch: make a prickly porcupine, etc.), use magnifying glasses to investigate items found in a forset, listen to a poem about forest animals to practice counting groups and adding 1, create a forest mural using pine needle brushes, and more.
In this group of activities, children will learn about forest animals by dividing forest animal names into syllables, tracing and writing forest animal names, playing a game to match tracks to forest animals, matching groups of forest animals to the correct numbers and number names, and more.
In this group of activities, children will learn about different forest trees and plants through discussion and exploration. They will use natural materials from the forest to make paintbrushes, crayon rubbings, sculptures, and a porcupine; decorate, count, sort, and make patterns with pinecones; investigate with magnifying glasses items found in a forest; collaborate to make a forest mural, and more.
In this group of activities, children will learn about fire and the letter f by playing a board game to identify words that begin with the letter f. Explore and recognize the letter f with fun worksheets and create a letter f for fox craft. Preschool children are having fun playing an outdoor game using spray bottles to extinguish letter f's written in chalk.
In this group of activities, children will learn about the Gruffalo, a "monster" that lives in the woods. They will listen to the story The Gruffalo, use play dough and natural materials from the forest to create a tree trunk gruffalo, use puppets and play games to retell the story, make craft stick puppets and use natural materials to create a Gruffalo small world play, and much more.