The importance of instilling the concept of...
Children make aliens out of the letter A. How many eyes will each alien have? Let children decide.
What you need:
White, blue, and purple construction paper
Black circle stickers
Googly eyes
Small puff balls
Pipe cleaners
Chart paper
What you do:
Cut strips of blue construction paper, two long and one short per child.
Draw the letter A on chart paper and discuss its shape. Show children how the letter A is constructed from 3 lines, two long lines that meet at the top and one short line that makes a bridge across the middle of the two longer lines. Give each child three strips of blue construction paper. Have them glue the strips to sheets of white construciton paper to make As.
Cut several circles from purple construction paper. Let children make eyes for their aliens by sticking black stickers in the middles of the circles. Let each child decide how many eyes his/her alien will have and add a googly eye on each circle.
Have children glue the eyes to their aliens.
Have children cut crescent shapes from scraps of purple construction paper to make mouths. Let children draw teeth on their aliens' mouths before gluing them to the middle lines on their As.
Provide puff balls and short pieces of cut pipe cleaners for children to make their aliens' antennae.
Have children glue antennae to the tops of their aliens' heads.
Once craft projects are complete, encourage each chlild to write or dictate a sentence telling how many eyes there are on his/her A Is for Alien.
Discuss with children if they ever saw an Alien? A Read the book Little Alien's New Home (KidsSoup members only) to the children.
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