The importance of instilling the concept of...
One KidsSoup member tells how she uses the Gingerbread Man Alphabet letters to do an end-of-the-year assessment and play a fun matching game perfect for the holiday season.
Grade, Age Range or Specialized Learner: Multi-age, Preschool/Pre-K, 3-5 year old
Target Learning Skill: Matching upper- and lowercase alphabet letters
Common Core Language Standard:
Foundational Skills: Print Concepts
RF.K.1d Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet
Letters begin as mysterious squiggles that grown-ups use. During the Preschool and Pre-K years children begin to develop an understanding of these lines and curves. Using manipulatives, like the KidsSoup Gingerbread Man Letters, helps to foster children's interest.
Available in our KidsSoup member site:
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
ABC Gingerbread Men (Lowercase) |
In our classroom, we used both the upper- and lowercase Gingerbread Man letter sets and mixed them together.
We placed the letters face up on the table and let children explore them in small groups without adult influence. This allowed us to take notes on the children’s mastery of the letters. We noted who was able to match uppercase to lowercase letters, identify individual letters, and use the cards to attempt to create words.
Later, we extended the activity by reading The Gingerbread Man, and having one set of letters “run away." While one adult read the story, another adult hid lowercase gingerbread man letters around the school.
After the story was finished, we passed out uppercase gingerbread man letters and went on a gingerbread man matching hunt.
Use this free Gingerbread Men Letter Matching Worksheet to assess the skill.
FREE Gingerbread Men Letter Matching Worksheet
Lesson idea submitted by KidsSoup member Beth Steward
KidsSoup provides a wide selection of alphabet letters to fit a variety of seasonal and holiday themes. Here's a sampling.
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
ABC Heart Matching Folder Game |
Egg ABC Matching | ABC Fish Letter Match |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
ABC Frogs | Let It Snow ABC Letter Matching |
Shamrock ABC |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
ABC Monkeys | Upper and Lowercase ABC Snowmen Building |
View more preschool and kindergarten Gingerbread Man activities and crafts
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