The importance of instilling the concept of...
Who doesn't love Tacky the Penguin? Tacky is not your average penguin. He’s an individual who marches to the beat of his own drum. The other penguins barely tolerate Tacky’s unusual penguin habits. However, when these habits end up throwing some profit-seeking penguin hunters off track, the others learn to appreciate Tacky’s differences. He is an endearing, unpretentious character whose unique style is captured in playful illustrations. The text is presented in simple easy-to-follow sentences with occasional rhyme and repetition. Here, we share a few ideas for before reading, during reading, and after reading.
Before Reading:
Read the book’s title and ask children to observe the cover illustration. Ask:
Read the author’s name, Helen Lester, and explain that she wrote the words for the book. Read the illustrator’s name, Lynn Munsinger, and explain that she drew the pictures for the book. They worked together as a team to make the words and the pictures go together.
During Reading:
As you read the story, pause occasionally to ask questions and define difficult vocabulary words. Here are some suggestions.
Child-Friendly Definitions:
After Reading:
Tacky the Penguin
by Jolanda Garcia, KidsSoup, Inc.
I'm Tacky the Penguin,
I'm black and white.
I wear a colorful shirt,
I'm an adorable sight.
I love to dance
and I love to sing.
I waddle to the water
And dive right in!
Let children share their favorite parts of the story and why. Turn back to the page where the penguins sing Tacky’s song. Ask:
Free Tacky the Penguin Coloring Page
Write the first part of Tacky’s song on chart paper. Make up a tune that works with the lyrics. Encourage children to come up with additional lyrics for the song that follow the same patterns as those in Tacky’s song:
How many ____ does a _____ have?
How many ______ on a _______?
Write their responses on the chart paper, adding “I wonder, yup, I wonder” after each pair of lines. Once children are satisfied with the lyrics they’ve added, sing the whole song through together for a fun ending to story time.
Tacky the Penguin Felt Story and Story Printables (available in our KidsSoup Resource Library member site)
Tacky the Penguin Small World Play Area (available in our KidsSoup Resource Library member site)
Dress the Penguin Same / Different Lesson and Folder Game (available in our KidsSoup Resource Library member site)
Dress the Penguin Sight Words Game (available in our KidsSoup Resource Library member site)
Tacky the Penguin Craft (patterns and instructions available in our KidsSoup Resource Library member site)
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