Flower Bulletin Board Decoration

What you need:

Free Flower pattern
Free Flower Petals patterns 
Different colored craft paper

What you do:

Print Flower and Flower Petals patterns and trace on to craft paper. Cut out flower shape and petals. Fold each petal along their length and open them again.

Preschool Activities: 

Draw a circle in the middle of the flower shape.

Preschool Activities: 

Add glue on top of the circle.

Preschool Activities: 

Place the largest petals along the glue circle. 

Preschool Activities: 

Make a new glue circle in the middle of the flower.

Preschool Activities: 

Attach the next size flower petal shapes along the circle. 

Preschool Activities: 

Add glue in the circle of the flower.

Preschool Activities: 

Add the smallest petals all along the circle. 

Preschool Activities: 

Add a pom-pom to the middle. Let dry. When dry, shape the flower petals.

Preschool Activities: 

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