jgarcia's blog

4th of July Shining Stars Craft

Summer is in full swing and July 4th is just around the corner! This fine motor and folding activity is the perfect craft to help decorate your classroom or your house for celebrating America.

Story Time: A Rainbow of My Own

A Rainbow of My Own by Don Freeman is the story of a child who sees a rainbow from his window and runs off in his raincoat and boots to catch it. When the rainbow unexpectedly disappears, the boy imagines what it would be like to have a rainbow as a playmate.

Going on a Safari crafts, activities, games, and emergent readers for preschool and kindergarten

We are going on a African safari with a theme packed full of preschool and kindergarten learning adventures. Children put on their dancing shoes and learn about jungle animals as they build literacy with the focus book Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae.

Sample Cup Penguin Activities

Sample cups (the kind used for small tastes of yogurt or sides of ketchup) can be turned into the cutest penguins. You can find them in the grocery store. Once made, these penguins can be used for a variety of learning activities and pretend play areas. Here, we share a few ideas.

Sample Cup Penguins Craft

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