The importance of instilling the concept of...
Most children want to bring their friends over to see their homes. This activity will allow children to talk about their home and to bring their home to their preschool and kindergarten classroom for everyone to see.
What you need:
Photograph of each child's home
Clear sheet protectors
Book suggestion: Home
Target Learning Skill(s): Sorting by one attribute, completing nine-piece puzzles, finding shapes in the environment, speaking to describe
What you do:
You will need a little help from your families to make this activity the most successful. Send home a note asking for a digital image of the outside of each child’s home. As you receive the images, print them out on letter-sized paper. If you are worried about them getting wrinkled, you can slide them into sheet protectors.
Talk with children about all the different places that we can call home and the different homes people live in. There are many types of homes--houses, apartments, and even palaces or underground lairs. Read the book: Home
Pass out the pictures to each child during your large group time. Begin by asking each child to share their house with the group and tell everyone something special about it.
After everyone has shared, ask children to look at their own house and find a specific object or color. Some suggestions are colors, shapes, letters or numbers.
Next, ask children to stand up holding their pictures. Explain that they are going to work as a group to sort their houses. Call out a characteristic and help children move around the area to group themselves by that characteristic.
Some basic characteristics to start with could be color or type of home (house, condo, or apartment). To make the game more challenging, use more detailed characteristics such as number of windows or building material. As a final challenge, you can try to give children more than on attribute to work with or sort by color and type of home.
When you are finished with the above activity, collect the photos and cut each one into at least nine pieces. Place the pieces into an envelope or sandwich bag labeled with each child’s name.
Provide craft paper, glue, and the labeled pieces during center time for the children to put back together. If you would prefer to reuse the puzzles, laminate the photos before cutting them. Instead of gluing the images back together, children can build their house and then trade with a friend.
by Beth Steward
My Home and All About Me Folder Craftivity
My Home and Family Craft and Rhyme
H is for Home and House Writing printables