The importance of instilling the concept of...
The new school year is just around the corner and with it comes a new schedule for our upcoming KidsSoup themes for your preschool and kindergarten. We are busy preparing and adding new ready-to-go preschool and kindergarten activities and teaching resources to make your job easier and more exciting.
We are looking forward to providing you with many more fun and enriching learning experiences for your children. Make sure you visit the KidsSoup Resource Library member site to search for a topic or subject to find the perfect resources to help you prepare for the year ahead.
August: Amazing Me
September: Weather
October: Harvest
November/December: Elf on the Shelf
January: Frozen
February: Fairy Tales
March: Garden Critters
April: Forest
May: Jungle
June/July: Ocean
We would love to invite you to join us! For only $26.99 a year you will get unlimited access to our KidsSoup Resource Library and its more than 65 themes and 10,000 preschool and kindergarten crafts, activities, lessons, games, emergent readers, and resources. Click here to learn more.