The importance of instilling the concept of...
Learn about the planets in our solar system and their names. Craft foam can be turned into beautiful planets that children can sequence and label. These planets can also be used in other space-themed activities.
Eight Little Aliens in a Flying Saucer Felt Story (Available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)
What you need:
Planet printables
Optional: Craft foam in several colors
What you do:
Print the Planet Names and cut out. Laminate if desired. Print the planet printables or cut the craft foam into 8 circles of different sizes based on the sizes of the planets in the solar system. Decorate each planet according to basic information children will learn from fiction and nonfiction solar system books:
View also our Planet Fact Cards (Available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)
The order of planets from closest to the sun to furthest from the sun is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Let children sequence the craft foam planets according to the information they have learned. Once the planets are sequenced, have children label them with the planet name cards. Let them refer back to the planet word wall cards or planet fact cards.
View more space preschool and kindergarten activities, crafts, and printables