The importance of instilling the concept of...
La Parranda is a Christmas tradition in Puerto Rico in which musicians visit the homes of neighbors to sing and share food in celebration. Children can act out their own musical Christmas procession with these homemade Feliz Navidad tambourines.
What you need:
Craft Foam Letters
Paper Plates
Jingle Bells (6 per child)
Red and/or Green Ribbon or Yarn
Red and Green Paint
Hole Punch
Small Trays
What you do:
Give each child two paper plates and have them paint one red and one green. Once paint dries, let children glue or stick craft foam letters spelling “Feliz Navidad” on the bottom of one plate. Have children line up the edges of their plates, bottom sides out, and staple them together.
Punch six equally spaced holes around the edges of each child’s set of glued paper plates.
Give each child six jingle bells and have them thread red and/or green ribbon or yarn through the holes. If children can tie their bells to the holes in their plates, let them do so. Otherwise, circulate the room or table and tie the bells on for children.
Let children use their Christmas tambourines in music, dance, and dramatic play activities celebrating the season.
View also our Free Feliz Navidad Story Time Lesson
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