The importance of instilling the concept of...
As a lead up to Thanksgiving, Week 3 of the On The Table theme presents a bounty of activities, games, and crafts that focus on the fall harvest and foods that are often served on feast day. This week's book, The Beastly Feast by Bruce Goldstone, is full of rhyming fun and bright colorful characters. The accompanying literacy activity challenges learners to recognize and produce rhyming words. In addition, materials are provided for introducing the short o sound and the -ot word family. As always, there are fresh, new ideas to keep children actively engaged in building number and letter concepts.
Continue reading for a delicious-looking list of teaching and learning resources. It will make you hungry for more!
Language Arts:
Focus Book: The Beastly Feast by Bruce Goldstone
The Beastly Feast Literacy Activity | Hot Chocolate Short o Matching Activity | Hot Pot and Potatoes -ot Word Family | -ot Word Family Song and Game |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Horn of Plenty Writing Prompt | Food Source Matching | Fruits and Vegetables ABC | Short o Song and Playdough Mats |
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Preschool Activities: |
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Sight Words, Colors, and Shapes:
Beans and Rice Sight Word Cards | Shapes Sandwich Shop | Build a Scarecrow Game | White Mashed Potatoes with Brown Gravy |
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Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Cranberries and Pie Tins 1-10 Counting | Green Bean Subtraction 5 | More/Less | Collect Acorns Math Game |
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Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
We Are Thankful Wreath | Wooden Spoon Scarecrow | Fruit and Vegetable Prints Placemats | Beans Sun Catcher |
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Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
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