The importance of instilling the concept of...
Children will have fun turning the letter G into a giraffe with the addition of clothespins and a cork.
What You Need:
G Is for Giraffe printable
Card stock
Yellow and brown paint
Small corks
Cardboard circles
What you do:
Print the G Is for Giraffe printables.
Glue the printables to cardboard and cut out one giraffe-patterned G per child.
Give each child three clothespins and one small cork to paint yellow. Have children add giraffe markings with brown paint to each item. Then, show them how to glue a cork to the side of one clothespin to make a giraffe neck and head.
Once everything is dry, show children how to assemble their giraffe by attaching two clothespins without corks to the bottom of the G cut out to make legs and the clothespin with the cork to the top right tip of the G cut out to make the neck and head.
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