The importance of instilling the concept of...
To get ready for Halloween, we love ghost-themed crafts, snacks, and activities for our home and classrooms. Beth, a KidsSoup member, shares how she made our KidsSoup Cup Ghost craft with her preschool class. We think they look great.
What you need:
clear or white disposable cup
white napkin
set of wiggly eyes for each child
brushes to apply the glue
black markers, or black construction paper mouths
Instruct the children to turn their cup upside down and apply glue on the flat surface and 1/3 down the sides.
Demonstrate how to open the napkin and place it on top of the glue painted surface. Then, instruct children to gently press the napkin down the sides of the cup.
Once the napkin is adhered, provide the children with wiggly eyes, construction paper pieces, and/or a black marker to complete the ghost faces.
When the ghosts are dry, use a push pin to make a small hole in the top of the ghost. Thread some fishing line or a white string through the hole and tie a knot on the inside of the cup. The ghosts can be used to decorate your classroom.
As an added activity, the children can walk the room holding their ghost and state where the ghosts are floating. For example; Under the clock, beside the white board, or above their heads.
I Saw a Ghost
Original Author Unknown
I saw a ghost (make circles with fingers in front of your eyes)
He saw me too (point to yourself)
I waved at him (wave your hand)
But he said, "BOO!"
String Cheese Ghosts
Turn simple mozzarella cheese sticks into ghosts. All you need to make these string cheese ghosts are packaged mozzarella cheese, and a black Sharpie marker. With the black Sharpie draw eyes, a mouth, and write the word BOO! on the sticks. That's it, it's so simple.
See also our Ghost Peek-a-Boo Preschool and Kindergarten Activity and Booklet Post
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