The importance of instilling the concept of...
Ho Ho Ho! Have a jolly and laugh-filled holiday with this Santa on a Stick dessert. Make these little Santa Fruit Pops with your kids after dinner one night for a special treat.
You need:
Cake popsicle sticks or small skewers
Large marsmallow
Small marshmallow
Icing from a tube
Candy eyeballs
Red mini M&M
Note: These Santa Pops should be assembled within an hour of when you plan to eat them, because the bananas will get brown while being out in the air too long.
Cut banana in a small piece. Cut strawberry in two pieces one long and one short. Cut a slice of the large marshmallow.
Amy from made these cute Santa Party Popper
Layer mini marshmallow, strawberry, banana slice, and a grape on a small stick and you get Grinch Fruit Kabobs!