The importance of instilling the concept of...
Begin your Halloween countdown with a reading of Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. See our links below for the related video and some fun preschool and kindergarten activities such as "The Little Witch" song and a batch of sensational witches' brew.
Book: Room on the Broom
Little Witch Movement Song and Activity
Choose one child to be the witch. The witch sits on the broom and "flies" around the circle while you sing the song:
The Little Witch
(Tune: The Muffin Man)
adapted by Jolanda Garcia, KidsSoup Inc.
Do you know the little witch
The little witch
The little witch
Do you know the little witch
with the cat on the broom? (the witch chooses one child to be the cat and to sit behind her on the broom)
O have you seen the little witch . . .
Repeat with the other animals that sit on her broom:
with the cat, and the dog on the broom? (the witch chooses another child to be the dog and to sit behind them on the broom)
with the cat, the dog, and the bird on the broom?
with the cat, the dog, the bird, and the frog on the broom?
Room on the Broom Video on YouTube
Preschool and Kindergarten Room on the Broom Activities (Available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)