The importance of instilling the concept of...
We had fun creating a penguins and Antarctica small world area for the children. This ice and snow play area is easy to put together with everyday household items. The wine cork penguins are easy to make and are a wonderful toy to explore and play in the icy and cold Antarctica. Find out how to make our penguin and Antarctica play area:
You will need:
Wine corks
White bed sheet
Blue craft paper
Glass pebbles
Antarctica plastic toys (seals, whales)
Styrofoam cups in different sizes
Black and white paint
Black, orange, and yellow craft paper
Paint the wine corks black.
Paint the bellies and some heads of the penguins white.
Cut out wings, beaks, and the penguins' feet out of black and orange craft paper.
Glue on the penguin and paint the eyes. To make a Macaroni Penguin, cut the yellow craft paper into small strips and glue to the top of the penguin's head.
Place the white sheet on a table or on the floor. Gather the sheet in different places to form hills and flat areas.
Cut the blue craft paper in to a lake shape.
Add glass pebbles to the top of the water and on the sheet. Add the plastic seal and the whale to the Antarctic water. Break a Styrofoam cup into small pieces to create some ice. Place the ice on the icy water.
Let children create different icebergs and icy structures with the Styrofoam cups.
Tacky the Penguin Story Puppets printables are available in our KidsSoup Resource Libray member site.
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