The importance of instilling the concept of...
Webbed duck feet add extra flair to this study of rhyming words from the book One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root. Children play a traditional matching game and then waddle like ducks across large rhyming duck feet taped to the floor or sidewalk.
Kindergarten Common Core Standards
Foundational Skills: Phonological Awareness
RF.K.2a Recognize and produce rhyming words
Foundational Skills: Phonics and Word Recognition
RF.K.3d Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ
What you need:
Small Duck Footprint printable
Orange paper
Black Marker
Small Basket or Large Clip
What you do:
Print the Small Duck Footprints and make several copies on orange paper. Write rhyming words pairs inside the footprints, one word per foot. Laminate cards if desired and cut out each one. (See the list below for rhyming pair possiblities.) Before introducing the game, review the word on each card and its meaning in relation to the story.
Show children how to play the game. Spread all of the cards, word sides down, on a flat surface. Each player turns over two cards on his/her turn. If the words on the cards rhyme, the player keeps the cards. If the words do not rhyme, the player turns the cards back over. Encourage children to try to remember where certain words are located to increase their odds of making matches. The child who makes the most matches sets up the next game. Store cards with a large clip or in a small basket.
Rhyming Word Pairs from One Duck Stuck
duck/muck/stuck/luck (any two or all four)
What you need:
Large Duck Footprint printable
Orange Construction Paper or Craft Foam
Sturdy Tape
What you do:
Print and cut out the Large Duck Footprint. Trace several footprints onto orange construction paper or craft foam. Write rhyming word pairs on the footprints, one word per foot. Tape the footprints across a large area, making sure to place rhyming word pairs together.
Explain that children will follow the duck footprints by waddling across them like a duck. Show them how to tuck their hands under their armpits and stick out their elbows to make wings. Have volunteers share ideas for waddling like ducks with their arms in the wing positions. Then, let children follow the large duck prints using their chosen waddling movements.
Encourage them to whisper each rhyming word pair as they place their feet on the corresponding duck footprints.
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