The importance of instilling the concept of...
Enchanted settings, magical elements, groups of three, good and evil characters, kings and queens and princes and princesses—what do all these story elements make up? Fairy tales! This month’s preschool and kindergarten theme focuses on various fairy tales such as “Rapunzel,” “Jack and the Beanstalk,” and “The Three Little Pigs.” Use the lesson plans below to guide you as you plan the games, learning and movement activities, science experiments, and crafts that will help your children learn about the characteristics of fairy tales as they read them.
In this preschool and kindergarten lesson, children will first read an emergent reader to learn about the characteristics of fairy tales. They will then participate in various related activities, such as rolling a picture cube and indentifying the fairy tale each picture belongs to, practicing their math skills by rolling the fairy tale picture cube and graphing and interpreting the results, and collaborating to create a round-robin fairy tale based on pictures drawn from a treasure chest.
This preschool and kindergarten lesson focuses on the fairy tale "Rapunzel" and the story element setting. Some of the activities include sequencing different sized towers, building towers with blocks and recording the heights, putting a puzzle together, playing a visual discrimination game, and making a craft depicting Rapunzel in a tower.
In this preschool and kindergarten lesson, children will learn that many fairy tales on composed of characters from a royal family--kings and queens and princes and princesses. The following are some of the activities included in this lesson: making a royal crown, reading emergent readers whose main characters are a king and a queen, developing fine motor skills while gluing various gem shapes onto a paper crown, exploring the letters K and Q, and playing a movement game called "King/Queen, May I?"
This preschool and kindergarten lesson focuses on the fairy tale "Jack and the Beanstalk" and the parts of a story. Some of the activities included in this lesson are making crafts with beans and the letter B, practicing reading sight words, sequencing story cards and using puppets to retell the story, and using beans counters to practice their measuring skills.
This preschool and kindergarten lesson focuses on the story "The Three Little Pigs" and the story elements problem and solution. Through puppetry and reading, children will get reacquaited with the story, the three little pigs' problem, and how they solve that problem. To emphasize that the story contains groups of three (pigs, houses, etc.), children will play a math game centered around the number 3. And to develop gross motor skills, they will play some fun circle games based on the characters the wolf and the three little pigs.
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