The importance of instilling the concept of...
Mother's Day is quickly approaching and it’s time for the children to make that perfect something special for their Mom, Grandma, Nanny, Aunt and any other special women in their lives. Get the children outside to find a special rock and get out the glitter glue, wire, paint, and a paper plate for our easy and heartfelt My Mom rocks! Mother’s day craft. Here is how:
What you need:
Medium size rock
Glitter glue
Light paper plate
Red and pink paint
Black marker
What you do:
Let children choose a rock and clean it with water and a little soap. Let dry.
Place a dop of red and pink paint inside a paper plate.
Let children use their fingers to mix up the paint and create a design with their fingers. Let dry.
Draw a heart shape on the paper plate and cut out.
Cut a piece of wire approximately two feet in length and wrap the stone with it. Leave a third of the wire sticking out.
Let children color the rock with glitter glue. Let dry overnight.
Wrap the wire around your finger.
Write "My Mom rocks! on the heart with a black marker. Let children write their name on the back. Place the heart inside the wire loop.
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