Fall and Leaves

Welcome autumn into your classroom and celebrate the changing foliage with fall-themed teaching ideas and lessons from KidsSoup. Preschoolers and kindergarteners alike will build literacy skills as they travel with Leaf Man (via Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert), who is blown by the wind over fields, past orchards, through prairie meadows, and across lakes and rivers. Our leaf-related activities, games, and crafts provide a bounty of opportunities for children to retell stories and rhymes, acquire new sight words, practice letter and color identification, connect counting to cardinality, and use their imaginations to create leaf people and animals using real fall leaves. It’s time to say “good-bye summer” and “hello fall”! 

NEW! Leaves and Trees Weekly Plan

Focus book:Leaf Man

Leaf Man Activities, Circle Games, Leaf rhymes, and Crafts

Preschool Activities: 

Leaf Science Activities

Preschool Activities: 

5 Little Leaves Felt Rhyme and Story Board 

Preschool Activities: 

Little Yellow Leaf Adventure Emergent Reader Booklet and Activitites

Preschool Activities: 

Little Leaf Story Cards and Activities

Preschool Activities: 

Little leaf ABC letter recognition game

Preschool Activities: 

Leaf rhymes and leaf color activities

Preschool Activities: 

Fall and Leaves crafts and art activities

Preschool Activities: 


View more preschool and kindergarten leaves, fall, and autumn activities and crafts


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