The importance of instilling the concept of...
These colorful and easy-to-make felt Easter Eggs are great for counting and number concept practice!
Kindergarten Common Core Standards
Counting & Cardinality: Count to tell the number of objects
K.CC.B.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality
K.CC.B.4c Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger
What you need:
Number Card printables
Blue, pink, yellow, green, and red felt
White card stock
Felt or magnet board
Magnet strips or Velcro dots
Small Easter basket (optional)
What you do:
Draw an egg shape onto blue, pink, yellow, green, and red felt. Cut out each egg. Trace 15 dots onto the remaining felt scraps and cut out each dot. Glue one polka-dot to the blue egg, two polka-dots to the pink egg, three polka dots to the yellow egg, four polka-dots to the green egg, and five polka-dots to the red egg. Attach magnet strips or Velcro dots to the backs of the eggs. Print the Number Cards onto white card stock, laminate if desired, and cut out.
Place the eggs on the board and recite the rhyme. Point to each egg as its color is named or have a child volunteer do this task. Once children have counted the eggs, have them count the polka-dots on each egg. They can also count the number of polka-dots in each color and how many polka dots there are altogether.
Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs
(Adapted from: Valentines, Valentines)
Original Author Unknown
Easter eggs, Easter eggs,
How many do I see?
There’s a green one, a pink one, a red one too.
There’s a yellow one and one that's blue.
Count them with me: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Place the felt pieces and number cards in a small container (a small Easter basket is one possiblity) and encourage children to use the activity to practice counting and identifying number amounts. Children can count the polka-dots on the eggs and place the eggs in sequential order from 1-5. Then, they can find the matching number, number word, and number dot cards and place them under each egg.
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