The importance of instilling the concept of...
Candy canes symbolize that the Christmas season has arrived in many different places including the United States. Here's a fun candy cane craft to do with fingerprints. Add a little poem and a green bow for a festive holiday decoration!
What you need:
Candy Cane Outline printable
Candy Cane Poem printable
Red construction paper
Red and white paint
Small green bows
Chart paper
Black marker
What you do:
Print the Candy Cane Outline and copy one per child on red paper. Print the Candy Cane Poems and make enough copies to give a poem to each child. Write the poem out on chart paper.
Candy Canes
by Erin Lassiter, KidsSoup, Inc.
Candy canes are a yummy treat.
That is why they’re good to eat.
I have to remember to brush my teeth,
When I’m finished with this sweet.
Give each child a candy cane outline traced on red paper and place paper plates with red and white paint on the table. Show children how to fill in their candy cane outlines with alternating red and white fingerprints.
While paint dries, introduce the poem. Read the poem out loud with children, pointing to each word on the chart paper.
Give each child a poem to cut out. Have each child glue the poem to the side of his/her fingerprint candy cane and add a small green bow to the candy cane’s center.
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