The importance of instilling the concept of...
Many of the resources included in the Back-to-School with Dinosaurs theme are designed to help children learn and remember school rules and manners in fun, interactive ways. Children will love chanting the “Rowdy-osaur Goes to School” felt rhyme and teachers will love the printable list of child-friendly classroom rules that accompanies it. These rules and the good manners that go with them can be reinforced with additional Rowdy-osaur materials that extend the concepts expressed in the rhyme. members can find links to these resources below along with additional materials to keep everyone happily learning during week 2 of the Back-to-School with Dinsaurs theme.
How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?
Language Arts:
S-Sippity Sup Nursery Rhyme | Fix the School Bus, -eep Word Family | Dinosaur Letters and Numbers Sorting Game | Letter S, Prewriting Skills |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Letter S resources on ABC Twiggles:
ABC Twiggles Letter S (ABC Twiggles Members)
Emergent Reader / Folder Games:
Rowdy-osaur Goes to School Story Book Pg 1-12 | Rowdy-osaur Goes to School Story Book Pg 13-20 | School Manners with Rowdy-osaur Folder Game |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Color Word: red | Red Dinosaur Coloring | Shape Square Dinosaur | Shape Square Dinosaur Tracing |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Dinosaur Numbers 1-10 | Number 2, Dinosaur Prewriting | School Bus Number Game | Dinosaur Letters and Numbers Sorting Game |
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Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Dinosaur Lunch Bag Puppet | Rowdy-osaur Puppet | Dinosaur Hat |
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Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Movement/Songs/Felt Stories:
Rowdy-osaur Goes to School Felt Story | I'm not a Rowdy-osaur Rhyme | Dinosaur Rhyme Movement | Dinosaur Transition Rhyme |
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Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Other Resources:
Dinosaur School Rules | BTSWD Preschool News | Dinosaur Name Tags |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
Preschool Activities: |
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