4th of July Shining Stars Craft

Summer is in full swing and July 4th is just around the corner! This fine motor and folding activity is the perfect craft to help decorate your classroom or your house for celebrating America.

You will need:
Star print out for each child
Tempera paint (red and blue), 
Glitter (gold, silver, red and/or blue)
Photograph of each child

The activity works best when done in small groups.

Option 1: 4th of July star for younger preschool children

Print out the star printable.

Provide each child with a star printout and let them cut out the star.

Preschool Activities: 

Fold the star along the dotted lines.

Preschool Activities: 

Unfold the star. Ta da! You have a 3D star.

Preschool Activities: 

Preschool Activities: 

Paint the star with the tempera paint and sprinkle on glitter to finish them.

Preschool Activities: 

Preschool Activities: 


Option 2: For older preschool or kindergarten children

Please note that you should practice the folding part of the activity a few times on your own before trying the activity with children.  Things will run much more smoothly if you don’t have to reference the steps several times throughout the activity.  The activity all works best when done in small groups.

Step 1: Please your paper vertically in front of you and fold the bottom up to the top. Crease.

Preschool Activities: 

Step 2:  Fold the bottom up to the top a second time. Crease and unfold. 

Preschool Activities: 

Step 3: Make sure the folded edge is away from you.  Bring the top right corner down to meet the crease on the left side of the paper.

Preschool Activities: 

Step 4: Fold the top left corner (triangle shaped) down. It will cover the other fold.

Preschool Activities: 

Step 5: Fold the triangle over again along the dotted line shown below.

Preschool Activities: 

Step 6: Flip the paper over and draw a line as shown below.  This line is what makes all the magic happen. The children will need to cut on this line through all the layers of paper. 

Preschool Activities: 

This is when all the magic happens! Once the paper is cut unfold the triangle piece. Ta da! You have a star.

Preschool Activities: 

Paint the star with the tempera paint and sprinkle on glitter to finish them.

Preschool Activities: 

As a second activity, save the other piece that was cut off to make the star.  Unfold it into a star frame.  Glue the frame onto a red or blue piece of construction paper.  You can post the children’s pictures in the middle of the frames to display with the stars under the heading: “America’s Shining Stars”. 

Preschool Activities: 

Submitted by KidsSoup member Beth Steward


View more preschool and kindergarten 4th of July activities and crafts


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