Daily calendar activities provide a variety of opportunities for reinforcing important number concepts. Here, one KidsSoup member shares how she...
Daily calendar activities provide a variety of opportunities for reinforcing important number concepts. Here, one KidsSoup member shares how she...
Week 4 of the On The Table theme celebrates Thanksgiving and the spirit of gratitude. Children express thanks...
As a lead up to Thanksgiving, Week 3 of the On The Table theme presents a bounty of activities, games, and crafts that focus on the fall harvest...
Count down the last 10 days to Halloween with these fun activities and books. See our count down calendar below along with a story recommendation...
Children count leaves, one-at-a-time, until the tree is full. How many leaves will it take?
Grade, Age Range or Specialized Learner...
Children act like detectives to find the letters in their names and practice putting the letters together in the correct order using colorful pop...